Extreme Cold Weather Guidelines
Extreme Cold Weather Guidelines
Due to the risk of hypothermia and frostbite during extreme cold weather, the following guidelines have been adopted for PSPL athletes, coaches, officials, and fans. In order to maintain consistency, all temperatures will be taken from National Weather Service websites http://www.weather.gov/Spokane on the east side of the mountains and http://www.weather.gov/Seattle on the west side of the state for the zip code of the fields in question.
• If the temperature is equal to or below 22 degrees F at the start time of an activity for games or tournament play, these guidelines offer steps to protect athletes from exposure to extreme cold temperatures: https://www.nfhs.org/articles/guidelines-for-competition-in-the-cold/
• The Wind Chill Temperature index (WCT) can also be a factor and should be handled similarly. If there is any question regarding weather conditions, the Head Referee (with consultation between both coaches) has the discretion to make the final decision whether to play or not.
• The Head Referee at games and the Tournament Director for Tournaments should make the final decision to proceed, if the conditions worsen during the event.
Travel Policy
For inclement weather that may affect travel in the areas the PSPL plays games in, especially in the Cascade Mountains, the PSPL follows the Dept of Transportation advisories when deciding to cancel games due to weather-related issues. For travel across the mountain passes, if the passes are open, games are expected to be played. Use this site to monitor the situation: https://www.wsdot.com/traffic/passes/