

Org Admins/Club Registrars

How to Login

Create Club Administrators

Registering teams with US Club/Washington Premier league Passcards and Rosters

Add a Title for a Club Administrator

Editing a Club Administrator's Permissions

Transferring Data from Previous US Club System

Uploading Players from a CSV File

Manually Create a Player

Add Parent/Guardian to a Player

Adding a player photo

Add documents to a player(Proof of Birth)

Communicating to Players/Parents

Uploading Coaches from a CSV

Uploading Managers from a CSV

Manually Create a Coach

Manually Create Manager

Communicating to Coaches

Communicating to Managers

Creating a team account/manage team permissions

Submit R-002 Form - Club Self Certification

Monitor Requirements for Players - Birth Certificates

Monitor Requirements for Players - R-002 Form

Monitor Requirements for Staff - Risk Management

Pre-purchase Credits for Coach and Manager Background checks

Why is my POB not getting verified?

  1. Checking and Updating Player Affiliation and Competitive Level

Checking Player & Staff/Coach/Manager Requirements/Eligibility - US Club

Purchase Memberships - Recreational Players and Staff

  1. See Instructions for Uploading PlayersCoaches, and Managers Above from a CSV File
  2. Submit and Pay for your Recreational Memberships

Purchase Memberships - Competitive and Super Rec Players and Staff

  1. Create your Teams
  2. Affiliate your Teams with your league
  3. Submit and Pay for your Competitive and/or Super Rec Players and Staff
  4. Printing Your Cards and Passes

Release a Player (UNPAID)

  1. Deleting an Unpaid Membership from your Cart
  2. Remove Player From Roster Builder
  3. Remove Player From Club

Release a Player (PAID for the Current Season)

  1. Remove Player From Roster Builder
  2. Remove Player From Club
  3. Cancel a Membership



League Affiliates & Partners

League Affiliates