Super League Policies
Minimum Tier 2 Requirements:
- Clubs may apply to the WPL Super League. Submit an online application for review to the League, or the Super League Advisory Committee may invite a qualified club.
- Invitees shall submit an online application. (See Super League Application Process below).
- A one-time $250 fee must be included when submitting the application.
- For a club to join the WPL Super League, a Club must have a minimum 10 teams or 75% of its teams (whichever is greater) registered to play in WPL leagues.
- The Club must have a designated Club Administrator and a designated Director of Coaching.
- Clubs must have an active and current website.
- Club shall supply a copy of a club-wide coaching curriculum or Player Development plan to League for approval.
- Club DOC must hold a minimum United Soccer Coaches National Diploma, USSF C license, or international equivalent.
- Super League Coaches must hold either a USC National Diploma, a USSF National C License, or international equivalent.
- Initially, Super League team coaches may hold a USSF D License (or equivalent), but the Club must submit a signed plan for coaches to attain the higher coaching standard.
- Clubs shall commit their highest quality fields (and field equipment) for Super League home matches.
- Clubs shall supply a top three-person referee crew when hosting matches.
- Clubs shall use Ridgestar Referee scheduling and reporting system.
- Teams are required to have unique numbered jerseys and home/away kits for each player.
- Home teams shall supply tents and benches for visiting and home teams.
- Clubs agree to league audits to ensure compliance with Super League standards.
- Clubs agree to make Super League games a priority.
- NW regional travel is required in WA, OR and ID.
Tier 2 Standards
- Tier 2 Clubs must meet all general Super League Requirements listed above, plus:
- Assessed an annual $1000 club maintenance fee until Club advances to Tier 1 status.
Tier 2 Benefits
- Clubs have access to national playoff platform – NPL Finals.
- Clubs receive WPL social media exposure from competing in the Super League.
- Qualified Tier 2 teams have access to Super League 1.
- Preferential player consideration to US Club PDP player identifying camps.
- Clubs receive promotional benefit of playing in the Super League.
- Clubs hold non-voting seat on the Super League Advisory Committee.
- Priority Consideration for Gold Division of WA Cup
Tier 1 Standards
- To attain Tier 1 Status, the Club must meet all Super League minimum requirements listed above, plus:
- Clubs either are Player’s First Club certified or agree to become certified to be accepted to Tier 1 status
- Clubs must have a minimum of 15 teams, or 75% of total club, playing in WPL legues. A minimum of six teams must be Super League level.
- Must have at least one of the following: full-time paid Executive Director, President, Club Founder or Club Director.
- Must have a paid Director of Coaching.
- Must have a paid Club Administrator/Registrar.
- Director of Coaching must hold a USSF “B” license, a United Soccer Coaches Advance National diploma, or international equivalent.
- Club official must complete the United Soccer Coaches’ Director of Coaching diploma course.
Tier 1 Benefits
- Clubs each receive a vote and a seat on the Super League Advisory Committee
- Tier 1 Clubs and the League shall have a say on Committee Chairman.
- Pay no additional club assessment fee.
- Receive special advertising and Club promotion on WPL social media outlets.
- Get priority team placement and scheduling advantages.
- Tier 1 players receive special discount to College ID camp.
- Tier 1 teams receive priority consideration to NW Surf Copa qualifying Cup.
Super League Promotion and Relegation:
Occurs between NPL 1 and NPL 2 divisions. The winner of NPL 2 is promoted to NPL 1. The last-place NPL 1 team is relegated to NPL 2.
For a Classic State Premier (CSP) team to advance to Super League, it must meet these requirements:
- Win Classic State Premier (CSP) division.
- Agree to review of club during season in Classic State Premier (CSP).
- If the Club fails to meet the general Super League standards, the CSP winner remains in the CSP division.
WPL Super League Seasons:
- 11U & 12U Super League have two separate seasons:
- Fall season: Sept to Dec. Spring season: Feb to April.
- 13U & 14U Super League have two separate seasons:
Fall Season is the NPL qualifying league
Spring Season teams maintain their status in Super League but it is not a qualifier for the NPL
- Boys 15U and older Super League:
- late August to November.
- Girls 15U and older Super League:
- Jan to April.
Super League Club Application Process:
- The League reserves the right to develop and determine the Club invitation criteria for acceptance to the WPL Super League.
- During transition from WNPL to Super League, the League may offer invites to clubs meeting Super League standards.
- The Super League Advisory Committee may also accept and consider Club applications to join the Super League.
- The Super league becomes the designated pathway to US Club Soccer's National NPL tournaments.
- The League and Super League Advisory Committee will determine the number of clubs participating in the Super League.
- The Super League Advisory Committee along with consultation from the League, will determine the Super League application timeline.